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Erasmus+ Programme for Mobility Projects

Erasmus+ is the programme for education, youth and sport across countries within the European Union. All previous EU programmes for lifelong learning, youth and sport as well as the European cooperation programmes between HEIs are combined in the Erasmus+ Programme.

Key Actions

The Programme comprises three Key Actions:
  • Key Action 1 - Mobility of Individuals
  • Key Action 2 - Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices
  • Key Action 3 - Support for Policy Reform

Erasmus+ is equipped with a budget of about € 28 billion. More than ten million people will profit from funding from the EU until the year 2027. The programme runs for seven years and is aimed at improving competencies and employability. In addition, it aims to modernise the general and vocational education and the child and youth services. You may wish to refer to the website of the European Commission for further information on the Erasmus+ Programme.

The funds help to increase the mobility across Europe and, since 2015, on a smaller scale also in other parts of the world. Till the year 2020 about two million students shall be funded by Erasmus+, including over a quarter million students from Germany. Students in all stages of their courses of study, also the ones obtaining a doctorate, who wish to study part time or go on a study placement abroad are included in the programme. Students (taking their bachelor’s or master’s degree or getting their doctorate) applying for the first time are eligible for up to 12 months funding. To make the students’ stay abroad even more attractive, the monthly mobility grant is raised, especially in countries with higher cost of living. In the future, placements abroad will also be possible after having obtained the academic degree.  Erasmus+ offers students who wish to take their whole master’s degree course in another EU country the possibilty to take up a loan at a favourable rate of interest. The previous Erasmus Mundus Master Courses, which offered scholarships for excellent students in selected master programmes will be continued as Erasmus+.

Furthermore, Erasmus+ contributes to the further internationalisation of higher education institutions (HEIs) by funding teaching activities and trainings for teachers and administrative staff. Higher education institutions may invite enterprise staff from abroad for teaching activities, participate in multilateral strategic partnerships with other European partners (also non-academic) and develop joint innovative projects (e.g. in the field of curriculum development or for interdisciplinary topics). Erasmus+ supports the co-operation with enterprises and makes funds available for new knowledge alliances. Higher education institutions, which want to build capacities in non-member states, will be able to do so thanks to the Programme’s international co-operation between higher education institutions.

The funding for most of the mobility programmes and strategic partnerships is provided by national agencies in the 33 programme countries (28 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Turkey). In Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) fulfils this task.

The following mobility programmes receive funds from the Erasmus+ Programme:

  • Student Mobility for Studies (SMS)
  • Student Mobility for Placements (SMP)
  • Staff Mobility - Teaching Assignments (STA)
  • Staff Mobility - Staff Training (STT)

Every HEI that wishes to participate in the EU programme for general and vocational education, youth and sport (hereinafter referred to as “the Programme”) and/or wants to apply for it, must have been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The ECHE is awarded by the European Commission. It serves as a prove of the fulfilment of all requirements for a successful participation in the Erasmus+ Programme. In accordance with the guidelines of the European Commission both the ECHE and the European Policy Statement (EPS) shall be published on the University’s websites.

Reference to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

You will get more information and counselling in regards to the Erasmus+ Mobility Programmes from

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
National association for cooperation of HEIs within the EU
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Tel: +49 (0) 800 2014 020
Fax: +49 (0) 228 / 882 -555
Email: erasmus@daad.de
Homepage: www.eu.daad.de


Exclusion of Liability

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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Erster Polizeihauptkommissar André Schäfer

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  • Besucheradresse:
    Hochschule der Sächsischen Polizei (FH)
    Friedensstr. 120
    02929 Rothenburg/O.L.
  • Telefon:
    +49 35891 46-0
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    +49 35891 46-2111
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