The Saxon state Office of Criminal Investigation has competence of investigations from the very beginning.
Organized Crime

Organized crime is a particular threat to society. Therefore, fighting it is of high significance for the police. As it isn´t immediately recognizable, there is the need for a comprehensive research of suspicious circumstances and the evaluation of findings.
White Collar Crime

The Saxon State Office of Criminal Investigation is in charge of all white-collar crimes having Germany-wide or international links.
National Security Enforcement

The protection of the free democratic constitutional structure calls for a strict fight against politically motivated crime, be it from the right-wing, the left-wing or from foreigners. The special unit “Right Extremism” (SOKO REX) plays a central role here.
Environmental Crime

The office also proceeds investigations into environmental crimes in relation with radioactivity or ionizing radiation.
Anti-Corruption Unit "INES"

In the fight against corruption public attorneys, detectives, business experts, auditors and jurists closely work together in the
Anti-Corruption Unit „INES“.
Anti-Corruption Unit „INES“.