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Emergency text message for deaf and partially deaf people

The Saxon Police Force offers a special service to people who are either partially deaf or deaf. They can text emergency cases to be reported to the police. In order to inform deaf people about this service in a proper way a leaflet has been designed. That service can be used from now on.


How does it work?

The person that is partially deaf/ deaf and urgently needs help because he/ she or any other person is in danger can text a message to his/ her provider. The provider (Vodafone, T-Mobile) assembles the text message into a fax that will be forwarded to the police station in charge of that message.


This service is only for prtially deaf / deaf people and should only be used in emergency cases.  




Derzeit bieten leider nicht alle Mobilfunkbetreiber diesen Service an. Zu weiteren Hinweisen setzen Sie sich bitte mit Ihrem Mobilfunkanbieter in Verbindung.


Emergency call

Command Centre

In urgent cases please dial our emergency call number 110

Contact us

Address for visitors:
Saxon State Ministry of the Interior
State Police Headquarters
Department 3 - Public Law and Order
Wilhelm-Buck-Straße 2
01097 Dresden

phone +49 351 564-0