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Welcome to the Saxon Police Force

Information in English language

Welcome to Saxony and its Saxon Police Force. Here you find some essential and basic facts about the Saxon Police Force. Furthermore some contact details are listed.

We want to point out that you do not find a word- for- word translation of the respective German internet sites here. There can be other and different terms for police forces as well as police authorities in Germany and non-German speaking countries depending on the structure of their respective police forces and various legal systems.

The State Police Headquarters

is the supreme authority of police in Saxony. It coordinates and determines the fundamental police- related issues in Saxony. Furthermore it is in charge of security- related fields like fire prevention, emergency management and emergency services.

Directly subordinated authorities are

  • 5 Police Headquarters (HQ)
  • State Office of Criminal Investigations in Dresden
  • Headquarters of the Riot Police Force (HQ) in Leipzig
  • Police Office of Administration in Dresden
  • University of Applied Police Sciences in Rothenburg