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Use of the emergency call

Emergency call

Dial 110 whether you:
  • or another person is in a state of danger or desperate need
  • have been a victim or witness of a criminal offense
  • are able to give some information about current alerts
  • have observed something strange or suspicious that should be checked/ investigated by the police 

What we are interested in to know:

  • WHERE – exactly did it happen? Name the exact location.
  • WHAT –    kind of incident (fire, explosion, accident etc)?
  • WHEN –   did the incident happen?
  • HOW –      many  people have been involved or injured/ hurt?
  • WHO –      your name, your address, your telephone number

Some information about emergency calls:

Keep calm! 

Please answer the experienced police officer's questions.

Do not hang on, the police officer will tell you, when all questions are answered. In the case of important events a patrol car is already on the way while you are phoning.


Emergency call

Command Centre

In urgent cases please dial our emergency call number 110

Contact us

Address for visitors:
Saxon State Ministry of the Interior
State Police Headquarters
Department 3 - Public Law and Order
Wilhelm-Buck-Straße 2
01097 Dresden

phone +49 351 564-0